VFW Post 8600 Gadsden
Post Membership Meeting July 12, 2016
- Meeting opened at 1802 by Commander LaPoint. Opening ceremonies conducted. Chaplin Sanders gave Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance recited by all members present.
- Roll call of Officers: 14 present, 1 absent, 3 excused
- Petitions for Membership: David William Turner, Korea and Vietnam service. LaPoint motion to accept, Campbell seconded.
Motion passed. (turns out that Turner was a member of the post that who's membership expired almost 10 years ago!, I just
reinstated him)
- Reading of previous meeting minutes. Adjutant Alex passed out copies of meeting minutes. Minutes approved as written.
- Quartermasters Report of Disbursements and Receipts given. Approved
- Comrade in Distress: Comrade Holland inquired about Comrade Parker. Commander LaPoint saw him yesterday and he's doing
- Reports of all committees given and approved
- Quartermaster Alex passed out information on canteen operations and summarized the information.
- Had someone pick up scrap from back storage area. Still have more to get rid of more stuff, including books. Commander LaPoint expressed concerns that it takes us too long to do anything.
- Life South will do blood drive at the post on Aug 17, 10:30am until 5pm. Motion made by LaPoint that we serve Hot Dogs and Coke during the blood drive.
- Comrade Holmes brought up that in the clean up of the back room, he put together and organized records that needed to be saved. He also said that there is a lot of history in the reports that our historian (Comrade Saunder) may be interested in.
- Reading of Official communications General order #1 read.
- Unfinished Business
- Sell ramp for $400, wheelchair for $500, if we find a buyer Doors still on books
- New Business.
- Comrade Alex made motion to get rid of the Fee fund, which has $1 in it form last year. This was an admission fee that my had been a law for private clubs, but not sure if it's still required. If still required we can crate an "Income Fee" account that serve the same purpose.
- Comrade Alex opened discussion on what, if anything, we can do to remodel the building. Suggested we get someone to give us an estimate on what it would cost to refurbish the back room, including bathrooms and a new entry (cracked wall). Comrade Shelly said that she knows someone who taught at Gadsden State that may be able to give us an estimate. There was discussion on the whole remodeling effort. Joyce will try to get someone to give us an estimate (WAG)
- Comrade Holmes made motion for us to purchase VFW program material, approximately $400. Seconded by LaPoint. Motioned passed
- Comrade Holmes made motion to we purchase All American pins for membership (50 minimum). Seconded by Alex. Motioned passed
- Comrade Alex discussed that there is going to be a benefit on Aug 20th (A song for Janelle - a medical benifit). We are just donating the use of the facility. There will be bands and our normal Dance customer can get in the for the same admission fee ($5). Comrade Alex made motion that we donate the use of the facility for the benefit. Holland seconded, motion passed. Comrade LaPoint said we may have to spend some money to repair the front door. We may also have a hot water heater going out, at least there is occasionally water on the floor and mold on the dry wall. May be a roof leak. If repairs are needed, we do the repairs as an emergency and report costs at the next meeting.
- Good of the order
- Sr Vice Commander said he can use all the help he can get with this years programs (VOD, PP, Teachers)
- Quartermaster Alex said he lost hat sizes for new officer hats. Shelly 7 1/4, Saunders 6 7/8, LaPoint (district) 7, Bosman 7 1/8
- Closing Ceremonies: Conducted at 19:10 by Commander LaPoint and Chaplin Saunders.