Post Membership Meeting December 10, 2019
1) Opening Ceremony: Meeting called to order at 1810 by Commander. Chaplain gave opening prayer and all joined in pledge of allegiance.
2) Guests: None
3) Roll call of Officers: 2 excused (Sanders, Johnny) and 1 absent (Will).
4) Petitions for membership: None
5) Reading highlights of the previous meeting: Stood as read. No corrections made
6) Quartermaster Reports: Distributed and read. Motion to accept by Danny, second by Kevin. Subject to Audit.
7) Comrade in distress. Johnny has not been feeling well lately. It could be depression. He does not want to do much.
8) Committee Reports: Police did confirm our roadblock for May 9 at the Mall. Emma Sansom teacher won award. We will present the EMT and Firefighter awards by end of month. It will cost approximately $800 in awards and checks for program winners. Patty is our new bar tender. This Friday. 6-8pm, will be held for post members and only one guest is allowed. We also got a Cheaper band then last year. The heater was fixed.
9) Reading of official Communications: 82% membership stats for VFW statewide, 92% locally. Mid-Winter conference is January 16-19 at Lake Point Lodge in Eufaula. $50 per person must be submitted by the 10th. Reservations by Dec. 15. i
10) Unfinished Business: Nothing of note was discussed besides talk about what to do with the former Post Commander photos. Talk was made of making digital copies for record and history.
11) New Business: Putting together a committee concerning the old post commander photos for the Hall. Also, in case insurance does not want to cover quickly, Jimmy makes a motion for immediate funds to pay up to $2,500 if needed. This is to fix the wall that was hit by a car, to prevent water damage etc. Motion second by Danny. Motion passed. Jimmy suggests we post flags outside the post representing all branches of the Military from the relief fund. Especially a new POW/IVIIA flag. Motion to spend up to $300 made by Steve, second by Kevin. Motion passed unanimously.
12) Good of the Order: NDAA will eliminate the widow’s tax, upon approval from leadership, in Government. Danny passed the word so we can let other Veterans know about this legislation.
13) Closing Ceremony: Performed and meeting adjourned by Commander Shelly. Next meeting will be held January 14, 2020
Adjutant Andrew Plam