VFW Post 8600
Gadsden Alabama
PO Box 8601
Gadsden Alabama, 35902
Phone: 256.546.2440
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Post Membership Meeting - Sept 2017


  1. Opening ceremony: Meeting opened at 6:00 p.m. by Commander Dave LaPoint. Opening ceremonies conducted. Chaplain Saunders gave opening prayer. Pledge of allegiance recited by all members present.
  2. Guests: None
  3. Roll Call of Officers: 13 present, 1 excused absent (Quartermaster), 1 vacant (HC2), Absent (Surg), Cmdr, SVCmdr, JVCmdr, Chap, Tr3, Tr2, Tr1, HC1, HC2, HC3, Serv, Adj, OD, JudgA.
  4. Petitions for membership: Nathan Farris PD. $45 on installment plan for Life Membership, all in favor, membership approved. R.W. Barnes transfer. All in favor, motion carried.
  5. Approval of previous minutes: approved as read motion by Holland 2nd by Shelley.
  6. Next month: Flu shots to be given before meeting
  7. Quartermaster report given by Holmes: Motion to accept by Lapoint 2nd Shelley, motion carried subject to audit.
  8. Committee reports given: House Committee Chair Shelley, Teresa and Phil Quinn will fill in for Matt on Saturday and Sunday on the following weekend. We are looking to make a change. Requesting board members to attend on one of those days to give feedback. Working on rules to post at door and for the door attendant on duty. Lots of drama. ABC fines; we paid the $300 fine they dropped the $750 fine because they said it was coded wrong. Liquor prices going up November 1st. Will decide how much we will have to increase our prices. Still waiting to hear from sign company about programmable sign… Paper work must be done when we bar people.
    Karaoke voted and rose to $5.00 for both Saturday and Sunday night. Pay DJ 60% of door only. Rodney has approval to do card tournaments as long as the meeting room is put back in order for meetings. All Patrons of VFW 8600 should feel comfortable here. Iraq and Afghanistan Benefit Appreciation Day before Christmas if we can get it done. Need input. Can use relief fund. We have Karaoke in the Bar on certain nights at no cost to Patrons, but it will cost $10.00 per month. Will vote on under new business. Discussion about the sale of ½ pints. Will continue to only sell them to go for now.
  9. Hurricane Relief Fund: Emergency relief fund, Dave sent a check for $100.
  10. Commander LaPoint: Program participation Nov 10th Veterans Day
  11. Commander LaPoint: Official Communications: Membership stats, Fall Conference Oct 5 -8, Decatur Al
  12. Unfinished business: All American and All State Sign for our building Bingo on back burner but still on the table. Equipment we looked at not worth fooling with. Steven working on other way to accomplish this. Carpet removal in bar and floor to be taken out soon For sale sign not posted. $74.00 for 3 X 5 banner Holmes: Plaque for Commander LaPoint. Motion 2nd by Will Campbell $100.00
  13. Commander LaPoint: For a 3 month trial basis will keep the bar open during our meetings, members must attend the meetings. Motion by Charlie Cash 2nd by Shelley. Motion approved.
  14. New Business: Annual Veterans Christmas Party: Holmes and Shelley to contact 2760 and begin plans. Holmes: Motion to buy 1000 pencils to give to kindergarten students for $200.00, 2nd by Holland, Approved. Shelley: Motion for $10.00 per month for Karaoke 2nd by Bozeman. Approved Shelley: Motion to raise Karaoke to $5.00 on Sunday. 2nd by Bozeman. Approved
  15. For the Good of the Order: Holmes and Shelley to talk to 2760 about Christmas Party.
  16. Closing Ceremonies performed and meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

Joyce Shelley For Steven Alex, Adjutant