Addressed our money problems in some detail. The For Sale sign has been up and we've had a few inquires, but nothing more. We continue to have band/dance and, karaoke problems. Still having problems raising funds and canteen sales. Our letter to the membership requesting input and participation was a failure. It's time to stop talking and take action. The best thing we have is our location. We don't have time to sell and need to take advantage of our location. We could borrow money and fix the place up: have a front door and a front face that does not look like a self-storage building; have a canteen layout that actually makes sense. We are still considering changing our liquor license to a Special Retail License instead of a Club License. Need to make decisions and need to make them quickly.
Options are to borrow money for renovation and develop new sources of income or die. Possibly a Cafe, hall rental and other ideas have all been discussed. The Doctors office next, which we though was for sale, is not. That was ideal to join the properties as one.New band coming in for six week trial, Alabama Backwater. We keep trying.Real Estate agent coming tomorrow and is going to try to give us an estimate on the value of the property.Need to make appointment with ABC and get details on Special Retail License.