VFW Post 8600
Gadsden Alabama
PO Box 8601
Gadsden Alabama, 35902
Phone: 256.546.2440
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Post Membership Meeting - June 2018

Wilson Parris VFW Post 8600
817 Rainbow Drive
Gadsden, Alabama 35901
  1. Opening Ceremony: Prior to meeting there was an informal joint session with the Auxillary where Commander Shelley introduced the new officers and the goals of Post 8600. Regular meeting Opened on June 12th, 2018 at 6:33 PM by Commander Shelly. Comrade LaPoint gave opening prayer. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all members present.
  2. Guests: None
  3. Roll Call of Officers:14 Present, 1 excused(od), 1 absent(chap). Cmdr, SVCmdr, JVCmdr, Qmst, Chap, Tr3, Tr2, Tr1, HC1, HC2, HC3, Surg, Serv, Adj, OD, JudgA
  4. Petitions For Membership: 6 Petitions. Dennis Moyer, Vietnam; Hillsman Boyers, Iraq - Installment Life; Phillip Poss, Iraq-Afganistan; George Savage III, Vietnam; John Barnett, Afganistan; Cody Harner, Global War on Terrorism. Motion to accept Holmes, seconded Bozeman, motion carried.
  5. Distribution and reading highlights of previous minutes.

    Minutes were distributed. There were no corrections to the minutes and the minutes stand as read/distributed.

  6. Quartermaster Report of Income and Disbursements

    Copies distributed and discussed. As of yesterday (2018-06-11) we have $56,584.57 in the bank or or a $11,899.01 profit since the beginning of 2018. Motion made by Dehn, seconded by Beam to accepted the report, motion carried subject to Audit.

  7. Comrade in Distress: Joe Brown passed a few days after the last meeting and Bill Bragg was in a car accident beside his cancer treatment. There was a discussion on reminding everyone to keep there paper work straight (DEERS, VA, etc.) and we should provide assistance in time of need (Chaplin, Surgeon, Service Officer)
  8. Committee Reports.
    • Canteen and House Committee reports given by Comrade LaPoint.

      Finished up programs today. Carter Templeton was national winner. Saturday Karaoke was not doing good and will be terminated as of June 30th. Clean up by volunteers not going well. Chantel (Danielle's daughter hired at $30 a week for clean up) Having problem with cigarette butts and cleanliness. Hopes for the new house band have died. May have another band play occasionally. Questions about the job that that WeCut (lawn service) have been doing. Awaiting another quote for the remodel estimate.

  9. Commander
    • Membership. Post and department at 100%. We paid for 12 members with half the cost provide by the Department
    • School of Instruction Aug 3-4, Birmingham. $25 (Commander, Quartermaster and one Trustee must be present). All officers are invited to attend.
    • Veterans appreciation day needs to meet
  10. Reading of Official Communications:

    General Order #12 highlights where read to membership and some items were brought up for discussion. .

  11. Unfinished Business:
    • $712 left to finish floor where the old bathroom was located in the lounge.
    • $1000 allocated to replace two doors in lounge.
    • All-American sign purchased and waiting for installation. Was holding off for remodel decision, but may put up somewhere.
    • $500 allocated for Bingo equipment tabled for now.
    • Past Commander/Presidents pictures removed form hall. Need to build collage in hallway to restore and archive. National my provide us names of past commanders.
  12. New Business:
    • Suggestion that post show appreciation to Rodney Cameron for his work at the post, suggested $100 gift certificates. Motion made by Dehn, seconded by Beam to provide a flag and $100 gift certificates to Rodney. Motion carried.
    • Commander LaPoint made motion to donate $100 to Boaz post for them providing Honor Guard during Billy Parker's service. Bozeman seconded and motion carried.)
    • Motion made by by Alex to establish a Dues Reserve fund. Coffee money would be put into this fund and if we need to pay for members, these funds would be used by the membership committee. Any money not used by July would be returned to General fund. Motion made by Alex, seconded by LaPoint. Motion carried.
    • Motion made by Alex to buy hats for new officers who need them (7). Seconded by LaPoint, motion carried
  13. Good of the Order:
    Special ribbon for Korean Service. Congratulations given to Comrade LaPoint who was elected as Department Surgeon.
  14. Closing Ceremonies performed and meeting Adjourned by Commander Shelley at 8:00 PM.
Steven Alex