VFW Post 8600
Gadsden Alabama
PO Box 8601
Gadsden Alabama, 35902
Phone: 256.546.2440
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Post Membership Meeting - September 2018

Wilson Parris VFW Post 8600
817 Rainbow Drive
Gadsden, Alabama 35901
  1. Opening Ceremony: Meeting Opened on September 11th, 2018 at 6:00pm by Jr Vice Commander Thornton. Chaplin Sanders gave opening prayer. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all members present.
  2. Guests: District Chaplin Ralph Jimenez from Ft Payne welcomed by Jr Vice Commander Thornton
  3. Roll Call of Officers:13 Present, 3 excused(cmdr,svcmdr,OD), 0 absent(). Cmdr, SVCmdr, JVCmdr, Qmst, Chap, Tr3, Tr2, Tr1, HC1, HC2, HC3, Surg, Serv, Adj, OD, JudgA
  4. Petitions For Membership: None
  5. Distribution and reading highlights of previous minutes.

    Minutes were distributed. There were no corrections to the minutes and the minutes stand as read/distributed.

  6. Quartermaster Report of Income and Disbursements

    Copies distributed and discussed. As of yesterday (2018-08-10) we have $48,639.83 in the bank for a $4,014.27 profit since the beginning of 2018. Motion made and seconded (Sanders,Harner) to accepted report, motion carried subject to Audit.

  7. Comrade in Distress:Comrade Homers reported on Sr Vice Commander LaPoint. He has been in the hospital for the last 10 day for weakness and shortage of breath. Today he was notified that he has lung cancer. The are draining fluid from him and will probably send to home in then next few days a refer him the an Endocrinologist. Please keep our Past Commander Dave and Fran in our prayers.
  8. Committee Reports.
    • Canteen and House Committee reports given by Comrade Thornton.

      ¶  The new band is starting this Saturday on a 4 week trial.¶  Not sure corn hole will continue, will find out this Thursday if they show up. Turn out is down from the start.¶  Need to report that a $1000 was donated to buy new chairs for the canteen. It was voted last meeting to add another $350 to get a total of 20 chairs. Since then another $500 was donated and the other $350 requested was not needed.¶  LED light have been installed where needed, thanks Comrade Harner.¶  Mary Campbell won last months 50/50 raffle

    • Comrade Thornton reported on the Viet Nam Veteran's Recognition event

      ¶  Been meeting weekly since the date is near (Sept 22nd). It's been published in flyer's, paper etc. We've received several donations to offset the costs. Planning on some entertainment for children. Food will be served (smoked port butts/shoulder)¶  State Senator William will present awards.

  9. Reading of Official Communications:

    General Order #3 highlights were read to membership and some items were brought up for discussion. Reiterated that we need to keep our Community Service updated.

  10. Unfinished Business:

    ¶  $712 left to finish floor where the old bathroom was located in the lounge. ¶  $1000 allocated to replace two doors in lounge. ¶  All-American sign purchased and waiting for installation, after remodeling decision made . ¶  Past Commander/Presidents pictures removed form hall. Need to build collage in hallway to restore and archive. National has provided us names of past commanders.¶  Donate $100 to Boaz post for providing Honor Guard at Billy Parker's service.¶  $1,100 due to Axillary is on hold until they are stabilized. Need people from both Post and Auxiliary to try to help identify persons in photo's of past Commanders.

  11. New Business:
    • Comrade Thornton requested that we authorize up to $2000 be used for the Vietnam Veteran's Recognition event. Donations have been made and will offset the $2000 request and feel the Post funds used will be considerably less. Motion made by Bozeman, seconded by Dehn. Motion carried.
  12. Good of the Order:

    ¶  Buddy poppy road block on Oct 6th on 77¶  Need to get our Social Media functional (facebook). Comrade Harner said he will help.¶  Need to get card for Dave and offer any assistance he and Fran need (cut grass, etc)

  13. Closing Ceremonies performed and meeting Adjourned at 6:50pm by Jr Vice Commander Thornton.
Steven Alex