VFW Post 8600
Gadsden Alabama
PO Box 8601
Gadsden Alabama, 35902
Phone: 256.546.2440
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Post Membership Meeting - Aug 2018

Wilson Parris VFW Post 8600
817 Rainbow Drive
Gadsden, Alabama 35901
  1. Opening Ceremony: Meeting Opened on August 14th, 2018 by Commander Shelly. Chaplin Saunders gave opening prayer. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all members present.
  2. Guests: None
  3. Roll Call of Officers:14 Present, 4 excused, 1 absent(Tr3). Cmdr, SVCmdr, JVCmdr, Qmst, Chap, Tr3, Tr2, Tr1, HC1, HC2, HC3, Surg, Serv, Adj, OD, JudgA
  4. Petitions For Membership: None
  5. Distribution and reading highlights of previous minutes.

    Minutes were distributed. There were no corrections to the minutes and the minutes stand as read/distributed.

  6. Quartermaster Report of Income and Disbursements

    Copies distributed and discussed. As of yesterday (2018-07-09) we have $51,015.64 in the bank for a $6,390.08 profit since the beginning of 2018. Motion made and seconded to accepted report, motion carried subject to Audit.

  7. Comrade in Distress:Dave gave a report on Johnny Holmes and Ray ask us to remember Billy Parkers wife Priscilla and Steven Alex's mother.
  8. Committee Reports.
    • Canteen and House Committee reports given by Comrade LaPoint.

      Dave talked about the upcoming Dragon Boat race on Aug. 18th and if we will charge for parking. Discussed contract on ice machine and future possibilities. Told us we will be giving Mary and Dean one of the gift cards previously purchased as a thank you for their help at the Post. We have lowered the price of soft drinks for the canteen staff to half price. Joyce discussed her trip to hear a possible band for Saturday nights. Band charges a flat fee of $500. Also talked about cornhole, Karaoke and possibility of future money making endeavors such as pool tournaments. Dave brought up the possibility of a gun raffle. House committee suggested to get rid of Yahtze and replace it with a monthly 50/50 raffle.

    • Comrade Thornton reported on the Viet Nam Veteran's Recognition event

      ¶  Elaborated on efforts to get the word out thru various means.

    • Commander

      Official Communications read concerning fall School of Instruction in Decatur 11-14 Oct..Dave reminded us of working toward getting All American again this year. Reiterated that we need to keep our Community Service updated.

  9. Reading of Official Communications:

    General Order #2 highlights were read to membership and some items were brought up for discussion.

  10. Unfinished Business:

    ¶  $712 left to finish floor where the old bathroom was located in the lounge. ¶  $1000 allocated to replace two doors in lounge. ¶  All-American sign purchased and waiting for installation, after remodeling decision made . ¶  $500 allocated for Bingo equipment tabled for now.¶  Past Commander/Presidents pictures removed form hall. Need to build collage in hallway to restore and archive. National has provided us names of past commanders.¶  Donate $100 to Boaz post for providing Honor Guard at Billy Parker's service.

    Camera's are installed. We have spent $385 of $500 allocated. Still need one more installed. LED lights are in process of being installed.$1,100 due to Auxillary is on hold until they are stabilized. Need people from both Post and Auxillary to try to help identify persons in photo's of past Commanders.

  11. New Business:
    • Motion made to pay the difference between what the State pays for Dave Lapointes expenses for the State Convention and the actual expenses. Motion seconded by Kevin and passed unanimously.
    • Commander Shelley wants to have a class on recruiting to include Auxillary. We need volunteers to help with maintenance around the Post. Will Campbell volunteered to head up a committee for this.
    • Motion made by Kevin that we schedule "Woody Strut Band" for the post at a guarantee of $500 payment for a 4 week trial. Seconded by Danny. This will be paid out of the entrance fee and supplemented by the Post General Fund. Motion carried unanimously.
    • Commander made a motion that we buy a Plaque for Johnny Holmes for his many years of loyal service to the Post. A cap of $100. Seconded and passed unanimously.
    • Motion made to use an already purchased gift card of $50 as a gift to Mary and Dean. Seconded and passed unanimously.
    • Motion made to just put cones across parking lot in lieu of charging for parking on 18th. Seconded and passed unanimously.
    • Motion made by Commander that the Post pay $350 to finish purchasing chairs for Canteen. Seconded and passed unanimously.
  12. Good of the Order:

    ¶  Jimmy needs to post election results on bulletin board. We need to go over roster and see who is close to expiration date on their membership. East Gadsden will be having a Veteran's Day program on Nov. 11th and all are invited. EMA is allowing us to use their signs to assist in our Buddy Poppy drive. District 2 meeting at Fort Payne on 26th.

  13. Closing Ceremonies performed and meeting Adjourned by Commander Shelley.
Jimmy Bozeman
Adjutant for the Day