VFW Post 8600
Gadsden Alabama
PO Box 8601
Gadsden Alabama, 35902
Phone: 256.546.2440
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Post Membership meeting - May 2019

Wilson Parris VFW Post 8600
817 Rainbow Drive
Gadsden, Alabama 35901
  1. Opening Ceremony: (00:01:10) Meeting Opened on May 14th, 2019 at 6:09pm by Commander Shelley. Chaplain Saunders gave opening prayer. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all members present.
  2. Guests:
  3. Roll Call of Officers:(00:04:20)
    16 Present, 0 absent(). C-js, SV-dt, JV-pg, Q-sa, C-ms, T3-kd, Tt-wc, T1-lb, H3-jb, H2-jh, H1-dt, Surg-kd, Serv-jh, Adj-ap, OD-kd, JA-lb
  4. Petitions For Membership:
  5. Reading highlights of previous minutes.(00:06:00 )
    Minutes were distributed and are posted on web site. There were no corrections or additions to minutes and stand as read/distributed. Motion passed
  6. Quartermaster Report of Income and Disbursements (00:07:02 )
    Copies distributed and discussed. As of today (2019-05-14) we have $36,090.97 in the bank for a $6,919.63 loss since the beginning of 2018. QM pointed out that there was $6,022.10 in General fund which is a $500 loss a month. We have over $5,000 in large payments coming due in the next few months (Liquor Liability, Liquor License, Insurance) which will wipe out the general fund if members don't start to support the post. Motion made and seconded (Alex,Beam) to accepted report, motion carried subject to Audit.
  7. Comrade in Distress: (00:11:10)
    • Comrade Jim Davis not doing good, cancer.
  8. Committee Reports.
    • Comrade Thornton reported on programs (00:12:13)
      • Need to order new brochure's for programs.
      • Viet Vet commemoration event in October with ANG reunion.
      • The Commander pointed out that the programs are important and we need help. Road block this weekend and in two weeks
    • Canteen and House Committee reports given by Commander Harner. (00:21:15)
      • POS system has been installed, use Credit/Debit cards, will take some time to set up correctly
      • Participated in Patriots association golf tournament.
      • Band still not doing good (great band, little participation). Going to try to negotiate, but??? Going to spent our efforts with events in the bar. Maybe give up on food every week and use pre-packaged food, micro wave.
      • Loitering in bar problem discussed.
      • Need to cut costs, Looking at using streaming for TV (roku)
      • Discussion on Comcast grant.
  9. Reading of Official Communications: (00:48:31)
    General Order #11 highlights were read to membership and some items were brought up for discussion. State convention June 6-9
  10. Unfinished Business: (00:38:30)
    • Our Form 990 was finally accepted.
    • Past Commander/Presidents pictures removed form hall. Need to build collage in hallway to restore and archive. National has provided us names of past commanders. Need people from both Post and Auxiliary to try to help identify persons in photo's of past Commanders.
    • Fix toilets $600, won't cost that much.
  11. New Business: (00:53:00)
    • Convention. Delegate fee. $105 Motion (Thorton,Holmes) motion passed. Seven member attending ($350). Motion (Dehn,Harner) motion passed
    • Oath of office administered by Previous Past Commander Holmes.
  12. Good of the Order: (01:05:21)
  13. Comrade Holland brought up inventory (junk!) in back room - need to sell or get rid of. Much discussion. Need cleanup and organize. Tentatively setting clean up date on June 15th.
  14. Comrade Homes is very concerned about our Post. We talk, plan but we're still losing money. We have maybe 6 months before we are out of money. We have to plan now and have three options. 1: Consolidation. 2: Put property up for sale and give up the Post Home. 3: Do nothing and give up the post to the Department. Discussions: Alex and Harner, some options for consolidation. History of past consolidation discussed. Holmes suggested we contact 2760 after convention and feel the temperature of the water.
  15. Closing Ceremonies: (01:29:22) Performed and meeting Adjourned at 7:35pm by Commander Shelley. Next meeting June 11th, 2019.
Steven Alex